1800 630 877                  sales@pcti.com.au


PCT’s TERMINADE residual termiticide gives you excellent value in a 100g/LFipronil termite control product. Label application rates can be used for:
  • Pre/ Post Construction barriers
  • Reticulation Systems (Altis & Camilleri)
  • Wall Cavity treatments
  • Protection of poles & fence posts
  • Nests in poles & trees
Available in an easy-pour 2.5 litre bottle, Terminade is exceptionally low-odour, readily & cleanly emulsifies with water, and is applied easily through PCO’s standard
pumping equipment, without leaving or accumulating any residues. Throughout the manufacturing process, TERMINADE is tested for particle size & consistency, in accordance with ISO 9001 requirements. And TERMINADE’s active ingredient, Fipronil, demonstrates superior efficiency in controlling termites; the label states for a minimum of 8 years! 

The mixing & application rates are 600ml per 100 litres of water (full details on the approved label). TERMINADE is a premium,
quality product intended strictly for professional use. And it is manufactured right here in Australia, with each bottle having a tamper-evident cap, your extra assurance that you are purchasing a top - quality product. PCT’s TERMINADE also represents fantastic value for you in your business as a termite management professional - see your
authorised TERMINADE stockist below for aprice comparison!

PCT is an Australian company with manufacturing facilities located here in Australia. We source and use high grade actives & ingredients in all our products.

Terminade 2.5L
Container size: 2.5 L Carton quantity: 3
APVMA approval № 63502/2.5L/45817